
Saturday, November 01, 2003

Daddy's Girl 

I love my daddy. Today I was at my parent's house because my dad and I are building bunkbeds for my kids. And dad and I went to Home Depot to buy screws and wood and stuff. The whole way there we were talking about inventions. His inventions, my ideas for inventions. He's the only person who really listens to my ideas about things like that.

The bunkbeds are going to be done very soon I have to bring it home and paint it next week. The whole back wall under the top bunk is whiteboard so I can get Aiden some dry erase markers and he can write on it to his hearts content. :) The 8'x4' sheet of white board was less than $12! I think someday when we move I might have to do their whole bedroom in it! :)

The only problem with my dad is he HATES my kids. Well not MY kids specifically, but kids in general. It's sad because he was a lot of fun when I was little but now he's a grumpy old fart! :)

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