
Thursday, November 20, 2003


One 1977 Spine, like new, barely used, cheap!

No, really, I don't need it. I was made to be spineless so really it's just taking up space!


So, Kathrynn had Sunshine Generation today. You can imagine how it went. Well, actually you'll have to imagine it, I can't fill you in because I didn't stay to watch. Why you ask? See the ad above!!

Kathrynn didn't want to go to Sunshine Generation today. But alas the $30 check I wrote last week for tuition bounced. So I had to go and talk to the lady because showing up for 2 classes, bouncing a tuition check, and then never showing up again isn't really how I want to be remembered by anyone. So I conned Kathrynn into going to class tonight with the promise that I would tell the instructor (who's name I'm not altogether sure of) that we had to leave early so she wouldn't have to say the whole time.

So we got there and I told the instructor about the bounced check, she charged me $10 more because that's what her bank charges her. So $30 plus the $20 charge from my bank and the $10 charge from hers and I've invested $60 in 4 weeks of class Kathrynn doesn't even like!!!

SO I told the instructor that we weren't going to be buying a costume because we were planning not to come back after the month is up. She asked why and I told her that I didn't think Kathrynn was really ready for the kind of structure she had in her class. She told me that she's been doing this a long time and that she's dealt with kids a lot worse than Kathrynn. In her defense she didn't say 'worse' but she certainly implied it.

What she did say was that I shouldn't take Kathrynn out of the class just because she doesn't like the structure. That I should 'have' (which is what people say when they really mean MAKE) her come to classes to learn the structure instead of just dropping out of 'everything' when it doesn't agree with her.

This rubbed me SO WRONG! But I am completely powerless to confront people. I wanted to smack her and scream at her about not giving my daughters stickers for every damn song she sings! I wanted to rage at her that I LIKE that my daughter speaks up and says what she wants even if other people think she's just some rude kid.

But did I do ANY of those things? Of course I didn't. I looked over the schedule for December and decided that since there are NO classes in December just performances, maybe we'll stay in just one more month. Sometimes I really hate myself.

I asked her if it was OK if I ran up to Fred Meyer and got the cash for her during the class and she said that was fine. She also suggested I go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and have an hour 'off'. Blech! I hate people that presume to know what I need.

But I did run up and get the cash, and will admit to dawdling and buying some stuff I needed and not getting back until the class was getting out. Why, because I suck.

When I returned she made a point of coming and telling me how well Kathrynn did even though she's a "stubborn little ****" (which she mouthed but didn't say) And then went on to tell me how Kathrynn had wanted the purple bunny but then 'realized' she wouldn't get it if she didn't behave and that she could try again next week.

Apparently this woman thinks I'm on HER side. Apparently she thinks she needs to shame and bribe my daughter into obedience since I obviously can't do it myself. She even mentioned how she noticed in a lot of her homeschooled students that they seem 'brighter' than the other kids but that they don't seem to take to the structure very well. I wanted to say 'Oh, you mean they aren't mindless sheep, but they are smart anyway??'



Of course I said nothing. As I always say nothing. She's sure we're coming back next week. I just want out. But now we're going to just have to not show up. Maybe she will get it, probably not.


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