Sunday, November 16, 2003
Have you met my wife, my wife?
I was raised in a 'good' Mormon home. And being raised Mormon there are two things you learn quite well.
1) People hate you because you can't drink cola (which I always did anyway which made matters more confusing).
2) People are really freaked out about polygamy.
I'm not Mormon any more and really it's a good thing because if they knew my views on polygamy I would be immediately ex-communicated.
I say, Why the hell not?
Polygamy makes way too much sense. I'm serious here people. How much easier would my life be with another spouse in the picture? In today's economy where they say two incomes are needed to support a family wouldn't it make sense then to have at least three parents in the picture?
The truth is that many (dare I say most) kids today DO have more than two parents. How is it better to have three or four parents who are jealous and spiteful towards each other than to have three or four who all live in one place and love each other and work together for the sake of the family?
I'm not saying one man should have a harem of women at home raising his 14 kids. But certainly a woman would benefit from having two husbands. Or perhaps a husband AND a wife. I want to be home with my kids and at the same time I recognize that financially I 'should' get a job. If I had a second husband or a wife added in who was working even part time bringing in more income, and offering another adult companion for the kids, it would be ideal.
imagine the child in this situation. Right now my kids have me and my husband to go to for support. I spend all the time with them and sometimes get burned out. Shawn works a lot and is often tired. If there were more adult in our nuclear family it would offer more resources for the kids. Just think of the strain on the childcare industry that would be lifted?
OK, I'm not crazy I know this would NEVER be legally sanctioned in this country where we have a very narrow definition of family. But wouldn't it be nice? Doesn't it make sense?
I don't understand why people would be against this. Of course I also don't understand why people are against gay marriage so what do I know?
And then of course there's the sex! Right now I'm basically limited to Shawn for sex. Not that I'm complaining. But how many affairs are caused every year (day) by people who get just plain bored with having sex with one person year after year? If there were more options in a marriage/co-operative people wouldn't need to sneak around to have a little variety.
Every argument I've hard against polygamy could also be brought up against regular two person marriage.
Anyway there's my opinion. And no, it won't really matter, ever!
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