
Sunday, January 18, 2004

A Little Guy On Guy Action. 

The other evening my husband was talking online to a male friend. Well a bunch of male friends on a Mechwarrior online voice chat thing. I wasn't really listening, I've learned to tune him out when he's talking online because he's LOUD and never talking to me. But the other day I happened to hear him 'mock flirting' with some of these guys. This seems to be very common of young males his age. As if to assure everyone that they are 100% heterosexual they mock flirt with other guys. It's kinda cute in a fragile, insecure, male sexuality sort of way.

Anyway, he told one of the guys "No, I don't swing that way, but my wife wishes I did!" Okay, I heard that! LOL So I said, loud enough for him to hear, "Only if I can watch!" Which he relayed to the guys. They thought that was weird.

Why is that weird?

Why is it's so acceptable that it's a cliche, that every guys fantasy is to watch two women have sex but when a woman mentions her similar fantasies, it's weird?

Maybe, I'm just missing something. Maybe, everyone else gets it. If you get it. Please explain. Thanks.

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