
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Blood Sacrifice 

Computers are tricky little creatures. They almost seem to be alive sometimes. Alive and out for blood!

Shawn is working on M'Ellen's computer and it was giving him fits so I offered to share some of my new found mechanical expertise. The first thing I tried was unsuccessful, the second was even more so. I was about to give up when I decided to switch the power supply cord and in doing so managed to gash my knuckle open on an exposed piece of sharp metal.

And then of course it worked perfectly!

I'm beginning to suspect that there was never anything wrong with the computer in the first place. I suspect that none of the cord swapping or other things I did had nearly as much influence as making my hand bleed. I told Shawn that and he agrees. So, that's enough evidence for me.

I could start a computer repair business based on blood sacrifices to the computer gods...

Maybe I've been watching too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer. :-)

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