
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Day at the Park 

I took the kids to the library park today. I don't know if that's worth mentioning. I took Kathrynn, Aiden and our neighbor Brianna. Kathrynn and Brianna wanted to play on the toys and Aiden wanted to go in the library I had some books and videos to drop off and wanted to get some new ones.

I let Brianna and Kathrynn play at the park while Aiden and I went inside. It was scary! I don't know if I'm just paranoid or if maybe I *am* really a bad mom for doing it. They are 5! I don't know what the general rule about these things is. When I was 5 I walked to school by myself and played at the park by myself. But I have a hard time if Kathrynn is out of earshot.

The thing is I'm not so much worried about them getting kidnapped of falling and breaking their neck or wandering off or anything so much as I am worried about what the other moms at the park would think of me for leaving them there. :-( How sad is that? So I was only able to stay in the library for about 7 minutes before I was a complete mess and had to go back out. I was able to return the stuff I needed to and get a video for Aiden but didn't feel comfortable browsing for something for myself.

Of course when I went out to the park to join the girls they didn't even realize I hadn't been there. LOL Here are a couple pics from the park...

Here's something odd you may or may not have noticed about Aiden. He's into dressing himself lately. And he's really bad at it. His shirts are almost always inside out and his pants are regularly backwards. Which isn't often an issue since it's usually sweat pants. Yesterday he had jeans (with elastic in the waist) on though and it was funny because the worn holey 'knees' where in the back. :-) Today it was overalls! I tried to convince him to turn them around but he wouldn't so I just buckled them in the back and he was happy as a clam. LOL So here's a couple pics of my unique kid...

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