
Thursday, March 25, 2004

Dental Update... 

So, Kathrynn had her surgery and things went swimmingly. She's really funny when she's stoned out of her mind. Nothing like a 5 year old high on psychotropic drugs! :-) She was very silly, it made me wish I had a video camera.

They ended up removing nine teeth. Nine! Which is a lot when you only go in with 20! They originally planned on seven (which is still a lot) and they ended up pulling two bottom ones they had originally only planned to fill. I suspect they only did this to give her a more menacing vampire smile. It's really an amazingly vampirelike appearance. They pulled the top front four. So on top everything is missing until you get to the Incisors. And then the molars are all capped in silver. So at a glance it looks like she might only have incisors!

Her two bottom permanent teeth in the center are in so they left those alone but they pulled the next two. Her bottom incisors they left alone and then capped the backs again. This gives the appearance of a harelip vampire. LOL It's pretty sad.

They also pulled three molars and put spacers in. They said to start brushing again yesterday, which we did, I wonder if they realize how hard it is to gently brush around all the missing teeth. On the one hand you don't want to disrupt the scabs but you can't help but do so when almost one out of every two teeth are gone!

She's doing really well though, with the recovery. In fact they told me to expect her to throw up blood a couple times and to have a fair amount of pain that first day. But she didn't throw up at all and never complained about pain. Her biggest concern (and mine) is her inability to bite anything with her front teeth. And the top permanent teeth aren't expected to come in for another year!!

I'll take a picture sometime, when I think of it, and it's daylight, and I will post it for all to see. :-)

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