
Friday, April 16, 2004

A Real Boner 

Today I wound up online searching for anatomical posters. These can be purchased very cheaply on eBay for about $5-$10 or you can buy them from online companies for like $80. I'm not sure why there's such a huge difference but I can tell you I won't be spending no $80 on a poster! Ever! Even though they are REALLY cool!

From anatomical posters I wandered into anatomical models. Again, so incredibly expensive, but cool, oh, so cool! These are the lifesize skeleton replicas and digestive system replicas (can you tell I'm a bit of a biology nut?) I was at one site and they had these links on their sidebar...


Anatomical Models

Medical Posters

Replica Skulls/ Skeletons

Other Gifts


Other gifts? Doesn't that imply that you are already giving people full size hand bone replicas and posters of the endocrine system as gifts. And then there are others? You know I had to check it out. And you should too. Definitely gifts for the person who has everything. Things like a real (big) scorpion mounted and framed. Or perhaps that special someone really deserves a preserved severed alligator head!

But the best of all? The penis bones. Who knew that a lot of animals (but suspiciously NOT humans) have penis bones? This was certainly news to me. Here's the brief description. Definitely worth plagiarizing here...

"With the exception of man, most primates, rodents, and several other animal groups, have a penis bone, called a "baculum". Located within the erectile tissue, this bone provides rigidness to aid in copulation."

You should definitely go check this out for yourself but in case you don't I have to tell you that for the low, low price of $29.00 you can get 4 genuine (no, baby, these aren't replicas) penis bones. Featuring Fox, Coyote, Mink and Raccoon (and Raccoon, by the way deserves a BIG round of applause!). All in a handsome glass display case!

So much for man being a 'superior' species! :-)

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