
Friday, May 21, 2004

Moving Woes 

And woes and woes and woes. I love moving, really I do. I just hate it when things aren't turning out as they are supposed to.

Where do I even begin?

We're moving tomorrow and almost nothing is packed. This actually doesn't panic me so much as maybe it should because we have until the end of the month to be moved out and I prefer a gradual move over an all-in-one-weekend move. I'm an expert procrastinator but I REALLY need to make sure this all does get done because I can't afford to pay a ton of money to our current landlords to cover cleaning I could have done myself.

Erin is going to Florida next week and said we can use their truck to move while they're gone. That couldn't have worked out better if we'd planned it that way. But I can't find Erin! She's in the process of moving herself (in with her mom) and I can't get her at her home number, I don't know her mom's number AND the phone company turned off MY phone today which they weren't supposed to do until Monday! So now I can't get hold of her, she can't get hold of me and I need details from her. Lots of them!

For instance we invited her brother to come stay with us in the new house for a little while. But I don't know if he's coming. And it matters because if he isn't that room is going to be the 'toy room'. So I want to know this before we start moving.

I'm supposed to be getting her washer and dryer. From her old house, where she won't be for another week. I CAN'T go another week without a washer and dryer!!!

Also I'm supposed to be watching her kids part of the time she's in Florida. But I don't know when! And they're staying with her mom and I don't know her number, and she doesn't know mine! At least not the new one at the new house where I'm NOT LIVING YET!! And as I said before our current phone has been disconnected but the stupid phone company didn't use the recording that tells the caller what the new number is!

So if anyone sees Erin. Tell her to find me somehow. :)

I'll write my new phone number here in case anyone wants to call the new house (where no one is) maybe I can set up my answering machine over there today. I'll write it in code though. The last four numbers are 6770 the first two are the middle of Richland numbers with a 3. Get it? Get it? That's to minimize stalkers. LOL

P.S. Yet, somehow in the midst of pure chaos, I still have DSL service. There must really be a God!

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