
Saturday, May 22, 2004

So Tired 

I signed onto my computer to check my email just now and Aiden (angry that his computer won't play the game he wants it to because the CD is damaged) ejects his game from his computer, opens the drive on mine, installs the CD, climbs in my lap and steals the mouse away from me and starts playing his game, all before I notice. Seriously!

Either I'm really tired or I'm raising a stealthy little ninja child.

The moving is going well. We joked about not wanting to move our couch and just throwing it away because it is so heavy. Decided against that. But then when we got it to the new house we wished we HAD thrown it out. For some reason it didn't seem so filthy and disgusting at our dark and dreary apartment. But in the house with all it's windows and white carpet it's really bad!

We're trying to figure out how to instill the joy of white carpets into our children. We have been telling them since we originally looked at the house that there will be no eating of food or drinking of beverages anywhere with the white carpet. This is certainly new for them (and us). The problem is we're really used to eating in front of the TV and at the computers. I suppose the best solution to keep the floors clean would be to put the TV and computers in the dining room on the linoleum and put the table on the carpet since we never eat at the table anyway! LOL

Signing off now... too tired...must sleep!

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