
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Richland Kicks Kennewicks ASS!! 

There are so many reasons I like Richland better than Kennewick. Too many to list here. Today I found a new one.

Money's really tight right now. Really tight because moving was expensive and set us behind about a paycheck so we're recovering. By Friday we should be back on track but until then we had no food and no money (did I tell you they cancelled our food stamps without giving us any notification completely screwing up my food budget for the month?)

So this morning I went to the food bank. Holy Crap! I got a ton of food. And Good food too (wow, there's a lot of O's in that sentence, err, sentence fragment).

I had gone to the Kennewick food bank a few times when money was short and you're always grateful for what you get but frankly you just didn't get much there.

I guess there must just be more poor people in Kennewick so they have less people donating and more people to serve.

Anyway, once again Richland comes out on top. I even got a bag of Spudnut Cinnamon Rolls!!! How much ass does that kick on a lousy Monday morning?

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