
Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Questions On Gender 

In response to a post by Mary Ellen Stephanie said this...

"Hunter gatherer cultures spend far more time gathering than hunting, and both sexes do it in most HG societies. Meat is usually a supplement, not a mainstay. Both genders spend most of their time gathering. Hunting however is usually male dominated. I think there are several reasons. Greater strength and that men are the more expendable gender are the two that come to mind. I think women were kept from hunting so there would be plenty of available wombs to perpetuate the society."

Right because with one man and 3 women society could be rebuilt, albeit slowly. But with 3 men and one woman. Well, tired woman, fighting men. :)

So is a man's 'expendability' because society says so or is it because that's the way they're wired?

Or is it a careful balance of each? Men are more likely to dart into danger to protect the 'pack' where women are more likely to face danger only to protect her 'own'. Grossly over generalized I know but still basically true. Right?

The reason why my husband would fight in a war to protect something as vague as 'Democracy' while someone would have to be standing on my doorstep threatening to hurt my children before I would take up arms. Not to say ALL women are like me and ALL men are like my husband but certainly the averaged numbers are in my favor.

But are animals the same? Some are I would suppose. Does that indicate that it's genetic?

And if there is a genetic predisposition to 'protect' the fertility in women wouldn't that extend to future women? Girls? Could that explain to a small degree why our society (and MOST societies) treat girls and boys differently?

Just some thoughts. No answers, just questions.

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