
Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Stupid Testosterone! 

6:15 this morning I am awakened by my husband telling me he needs a ride to the hospital. I note that his hand is wrapped in bandages and an ice pack and I roll out of bed. As the story unfolds I learn that he got in a fist fight at work. But since he's 31 now and not 16 the fight was with a trailer wall and not the offending co-worker's face. Still, the wall won.

There went all of MY PLANS! And I had big plans to go to a movie with the kids and my sister and her kids and Dawn and Dave. :-( So I left the sleeping kids in bed (don't call CPS there was a 9 year old here too) and drove Shawn to the hospital. Dropped him off and came back home. A few hours later he called and I went to pick him up. He gets to go next to the orthopedic surgeon at 11:30 where they will decide what to do next. Maybe surgery! Fun.

So worst case scenario here's what will happen. My husband's hand will be irreparably damaged and require surgery which we can't afford and have no insurance. On top of that he will get fired from his job for being an idiot and we will be unable to pay for any of our regular bill on top of having huge medical bills we can't pay. We will all die in poverty of starvation and heat stroke.

Best case scenario. Hand isn't broken, L&I covers all bills and pays for the few days of missed work. Work promotes him for showing great personal strength by not pummeling co-worker and we win the lotto and move to our own tropical island!

Here's hoping for the best.

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