
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Job Hunter. 

So I'm officially on a government mandated job hunt. It's not so bad. It's kinda fun actually to sit and alter my resume for different jobs and then print it out on pretty paper. I wish THAT could be my job. Hell, even turning them in and imagining myself in different jobs. Talking to managers and pretending I want their job more than anything else in the world. All fun. Fun, fun, fun. It'll be less fun if/when I actually get a job. Well that's not true. I like new jobs.

For about the first 3 months I love them. After that they continue to be sorta fun for a few more months before I start telling myself it's boring and thinking about quitting. After about 9 months the rest of my world will be in so much chaos that I have to quit. There's something I should put on my resume! LOL

Here's my job hunt so far (because I know you care)...

Tomorrow I have to go out to Americold which is WAY out in the boonies to apply for an office clerk job. I have to fill out my application online for a food service job at KGH and ... a custodian or lunch lady job with the school district. I feel like I would be selling my soul to the devil with that one. But the pay is REALLY good!! So at least there would be a high price on my soul.

Finding 15 contacts a week is proving to be a lot easier than I expected. Juggling my time between calls, resume making, driving around, interviews and having enough time with my family (enough time to neglect them and play my x-box that is) is proving much more difficult.

Anyway, wish me luck in my interview tomorrow. Maybe this gas station will be the next job I quit after 6 months. ;-)

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