
Sunday, September 12, 2004

Crazy Old Woman. 

Many of you know my mom personally and can concur that she's nuts. Some of you met her for the first time last night and don't yet grasp her nuttiness. Others of you don't know her, never will, and probably don't care. But anyway, she's crazy.

I was talking it over with my sister today and it seems that she's just gotten crazier and crazier over the years. Don't get me wrong. I love my mom. But she's still crazy!

My mom teaches child birth classes with a local midwife. And this week she started a new class and who should appear in her class but The Adulterous Whore! I knew she was pregnant, my sister knew she was pregnant, you all knew she was pregnant because I posted it in my blog long ago. But somehow my mom had missed the fact entirely until AW showed up 8 months pregnant in her birthing class.

Naturally, my mom freaked out and assumed that SHAWN was the father of this baby. He's not. She called my sister to tell her and told her not to tell me. But I was standing right there and I've known for MONTHS!

Now my mom is mad at ME for not warning her. Apparently I did her a 'great disservice' by not telling her in advance that AW was pregnant and MIGHT happen into her birth class. Hu??

And AW did this all on purpose because she's a vindictive bitch. She got pregnant and sought out the childbirth classes where my mom taught just so she could show up and freak my mom out. No, really this is what my mom says. She says that AW went out of her way to say her name TWICE! Twice she introduced herself and she made sure to tell the class her daughters name as well. Not because she's a mom and in the class and introducing herself LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! No, SHE did it just to be sure that my mom knew EXACTLY who she was.

Not only that but she then called my mom AT HOME! Sure she used the cover of having a "question about class" but really she just did it to rile my mother further!

COME ON!! Yes, I hate her. I have that right. But good lord everyone in my family needs to just get over it! Yes she a whorey slut who had an affair with my husband and *I* get to glare at her in public and rant about it later but the whole rest of the world doesn't have to shun her as well. She still has to right to attend fricking childbirth classes!

Why is it that I can recognize the her every move in life is not just to get on my case. Why is it that I can see her at the park and just avoid her and not even think for a moment that she's stalking me trying to screw with my head? I'm sure that she's moved on and barely thinks of me at all.

But my mom's still sure it's Shawn's baby. She told my sister when it comes out half Korean everyone will see that she's right! That comment makes me particularly angry and angrier still because I know that to my face she would assure me that it wasn't Shawn's baby but behind my back this is what she thinks. Honestly, it makes me want to move away from her. Unfortunately if I recall correctly the baby's father is Mexican so my mom will take one look at a black haired baby and go on believing what she wants to.

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