
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Things That Baffle and Annoy Me (Part One) 

I learned a long time ago not to judge other people's relationships. Because unless you are one of the people inside the relationship there are obviously things you just CAN NOT see. I realized this first when I got married and no one could fathom why in the hell I was marrying Shawn. OK, admittedly over the years there have been times when I have asked myself the same thing. ;) But I like Shawn and overall it seems perfectly reasonable to go on living with him because he annoys me less than my birth family and I lived with them for 18 years! I was really offended though when people (people being my family and closest friends) would look at our relationship and portent it's failure.

But then all my friends started getting engaged and married. And it all became clear. Well clearer, because they were all marrying idiots who I couldn't stand! And I found myself planning to count the days before the marriage ended. As a matter of fact I couldn't think of one relationship of someone my own age that made any kind of logical sense at all.

So anyway, like I said I've learned that for the most part it's not worth wondering why people are together. But then there are people like my co-worker. HOLY GOD!

He's been married and divorced twice which I don't hold against him at all but now he has this girlfriend! And she is the devil! I swear she has to be the biggest bitch I've ever met! Not to me mind you. She's perfectly nice to me. But to him she's a huge rag! Admittedly I haven't seen much of them as a couple but EVERY time I have seen them together they are fighting. FIGHTING! Nit-picking and saying things to eachother that are, well, just plain mean. And they're dating!

I don't get it. It makes sense to me that over time some couples turn into this. Turn into people who by all outward appearances just hate each others guts. I could see that after years and years of being with someone. But when you're dating? Isn't there some sort of unwritten code of conduct that says that during the dating period, at least, you are supposed to be trying to win the person over by showing them the absolute best of yourself? Hell, I've been married almost 7 years and Shawn and I are still at the very least polite to eachother. We're not all sunshine and light and sure we get angry but nothing like these people. Nothing.

And they're dating!

I guess I'm a firm believer in 'Just Walk AWAY!' If you are dating someone and it's THIS bad and you have no biological ties (ie: kids) just walk away! How can people plan to build any kind of relationship when they're basically starting out at a deficit? With nothing to build on?

I don't get it. I don't get it, I don't get it, I don't get it.

As I said there must be something in that relationship that holds them together. Something buried deep below all of the bitterness and spite that they show off on the outside.

I guess all I can do is wish them well.

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