
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

They Teach Philosophy In Kindergarten, Right? 

I was pouring myself a drink this evening, warm Mt.Dew into a glass with ice, which of course fizzed up quite a bit. After the fizz had all gone down Kathrynn looked at it and mentioned to me that now it was only half full. I said "Yes, I know" and went on with what I was doing. She looks at it a moment longer, cocks her head to one side and says "or is it half empty?"

I laughed and said "people have been asking that question for hundreds of years."

But she wouldn't hear it. She demanded to know which was correct, from the point of view of a six year old still trying to master the language she was pretty sure it was either half full or half empty. She didn't believe me that it was both.

I asked her which she thought it was. She said it looked half full and then wanted to know if she got it right. LOL

It was way too adorable!

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