
Monday, February 21, 2005

The Blurry Thanks of a Con Virgin. 

So, I went to my very first RadCon ever this weekend. The biggest question in my mind was why in the hell did I not go sooner. Holy crap that was about the funnest weekend of my life. At least what I can remember of it! LOL

Actually I remember everything. Just the details are a little blurry. :-)

I'm glad I went all in and stayed in the hotel. I think if I had just been there and then had to leave I wouldn't have had such a fantastic time, and I might not be so anxious to go back. It might have to do with all of the alcohol I consumed. I rarely get to drink in excess because eventually I always have to go home. And drinking in excess in ones own home isn't nearly as much fun.

There is a lot that obviously can not be posted. There is a lot that can NEVER BE SPOKEN ALOUD! LOL! But I will highlight a few things more for me than for anyone else.

First a big thank you to Keith for inviting me to go. Wow you rock! To my roommates in room 2245 (aka the Boobie Room - No Bobs allowed!)

Jesse - thanks for the show!
Brandon - thanks for being everyone's mommy!
Will - thanks for bringing Racheal ;)
Racheal - thanks for being piglet! Piglet rocks!

A few other highligters in my weekend.

Pussy Man (aka Keith, aka Fiesta Cat guy) - I would bend over backwards for you again any time!

Fuzzy Coochy Red Kilt Guy in the Elevator - Man, security guards are FAST!

Radcon man (aka Swinger Man) - Thanks for the invite. And thanks for your wife. And I want to see the pictures!!!

Girl in The Bling who started the evening with a top and ended less a top and made out with every girl there! - Thank you, thank you!

Electrical Tape Nipple Girl - I swear you have a twin or a teleporter somewhere in that damn hotel!

To the Sisters and their Mommies (aka the Wenches, aka those girls in the corner) - thanks for the memories.

To everyone who accidentally got flashed - I'm sorry.

To everyone who got it on purpose - you're welcome!

To all authentic kilt and utilikilt wearers - I'd chase that skirt anywhere!

To all the boys with nipple rings - thanks for the tugs!

To all of RadCon 2005 -Thanks, and I will see you next year.

And finally to anyone I forgot it is because I TRULY forgot you! ;-)

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