
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Jury Duty 

Did I mention I got a jury duty thingy in the mail? It seemed so far off when I got it, but March snuck right up on my ass and tomorrow I have to call in for the first time.

Somehow I thought jury duty was something that only happened to other people. Like people who were registered to vote and stuff. Evidently, this is not the case.

It's kind of exciting. Not that I'm itching to serve on a jury. And actually I'm pretty sure I will not be appointed to one. But still it's nice to be nominated! LOL

My sister got called to jury duty once. She got a note from her doctor saying she was breastfeeding and couldn't serve. It rocked! They called her again when her baby was over 18 months old and she got a note from her sons doctor saying that he had ADHD and she needed to be available for him any time even though he was in school. After that they seem to have left her alone.

It always seems that it's some sort of game to see if you can get out of it. Maybe that's why it seems most juries are made up of old people with nothing better to do.

Shawn got called too, right after we moved to Richland. He just didn't respond. Probably there's a warrant out for him or something now.

I was reading the super classified paperwork that Shawn got from his new job and apparently they will pay you your regular pay if you are assigned to jury duty. How cool is that? No such luck at my job!

I told my boss I got called and that really screws things up for her. The weirdest/worst part is that her 'backup' guy who would cover my shifts ALSO got called for jury duty at the same time! Weird hu?

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