Monday, June 06, 2005
Of Siths and Younglings.
We finally went and saw Star Wars III last night. It was worth the wait. We had our pick of seating, no wait in line, didn't have to sit right next to some stranger. It was everything I look for in a movie going experience. And the movie was good to.
But more importantly the previews were excellent! My husband cracks me up. After every preview he turns to me and says "We have to see that!" Sometimes I think directors should just make previews. They make every movie look SO good! They're action packed and full of suspense. Far better than the movie in some cases. :-) One of the must see previews was (I think) Mr. & Mrs. Smith. With Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Which looks like a movie I actually do have to see. Oh and the movie Narnia. Which looks way cool. My husband has never read it! I was surprised. It seemed like something he would have read.
But anyway, Star Wars. I was warned from several fronts not to take the kids with me to see it. So, we didn't. But honestly after seeing it I don't think any of the violence would have bothered them. Maybe my kids are jaded but most of the violence was CLEARLY 'TV-violence' and my worldly kids have seen much worse. The final Lava Land scene might have bothered Kathrynn but not enough to keep her from enjoying the movie.
And apparently I'm a big sucker for cheese. Even after reading half a dozen horrible reviews about cheesy lines they still didn't stand out to me as such. I mean, I recognized the lines people hated, they just didn't make me groan with revulsion as they apparently did a lot of people. In fact I laughed heartily at "Not if anything to say about that, I have." The only line that totally stood out to me as sucking was not the line it's self but the fact that it was apparently Yoda channeling Kermit the Frog when he was in the wiring tunnel and said something like "Timing is essential" to Senator organ. He sounded distinctly un-Kermit like the whole rest of the movie.
My biggest beef with the movie was that Padme gave birth EARLY to TWINS and each weighed in at roughly 8 lbs. Not impossible of course but given she was barely even SHOWING! Grrr... I know this is no ones fault. There are laws about the ages at which babies can be in movies. I know that. But they had a computer animated realistic hopping fighting Yoda. Surly they could have clicked in a couple computer animated premies just for realism!
Other than that. Great movie. Must see. And all that. :-)
Comments-[ comments.]
But more importantly the previews were excellent! My husband cracks me up. After every preview he turns to me and says "We have to see that!" Sometimes I think directors should just make previews. They make every movie look SO good! They're action packed and full of suspense. Far better than the movie in some cases. :-) One of the must see previews was (I think) Mr. & Mrs. Smith. With Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Which looks like a movie I actually do have to see. Oh and the movie Narnia. Which looks way cool. My husband has never read it! I was surprised. It seemed like something he would have read.
But anyway, Star Wars. I was warned from several fronts not to take the kids with me to see it. So, we didn't. But honestly after seeing it I don't think any of the violence would have bothered them. Maybe my kids are jaded but most of the violence was CLEARLY 'TV-violence' and my worldly kids have seen much worse. The final Lava Land scene might have bothered Kathrynn but not enough to keep her from enjoying the movie.
And apparently I'm a big sucker for cheese. Even after reading half a dozen horrible reviews about cheesy lines they still didn't stand out to me as such. I mean, I recognized the lines people hated, they just didn't make me groan with revulsion as they apparently did a lot of people. In fact I laughed heartily at "Not if anything to say about that, I have." The only line that totally stood out to me as sucking was not the line it's self but the fact that it was apparently Yoda channeling Kermit the Frog when he was in the wiring tunnel and said something like "Timing is essential" to Senator organ. He sounded distinctly un-Kermit like the whole rest of the movie.
My biggest beef with the movie was that Padme gave birth EARLY to TWINS and each weighed in at roughly 8 lbs. Not impossible of course but given she was barely even SHOWING! Grrr... I know this is no ones fault. There are laws about the ages at which babies can be in movies. I know that. But they had a computer animated realistic hopping fighting Yoda. Surly they could have clicked in a couple computer animated premies just for realism!
Other than that. Great movie. Must see. And all that. :-)
Yeah, let's see some preemies in the movies!
We have a friend who is trying to break into the movie biz. He made a movie called "Trailer - The Movie". Needless to say, it is a very short movie.
I haven't read Chronicles of Narnia or seen any of the Star Wars movies. Culturally deprived I am.
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We have a friend who is trying to break into the movie biz. He made a movie called "Trailer - The Movie". Needless to say, it is a very short movie.
I haven't read Chronicles of Narnia or seen any of the Star Wars movies. Culturally deprived I am.