
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Two Week Review 

So, Kathrynn has been in summer school for two weeks now. She loves it. She says she's definitely going to first grade. I'm still saying wait and see because summer school lasts six (non-consecutive) weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she gets burned out on it. I know my attitude is bad. I just don't care! LOL

My sister talked to the teacher (something I lack courage, desire, or 'social skills' to do) and apparently the teacher and my sister both agreed that Kathrynn NEEDS to go to school because she's "so bright and so involved and LOVES learning" (semi-quote from teacher). What they both fail to recognize is that it's the NOT going to school that has helped her be this way. It's entirely because she wants to be there and hasn't yet gotten burned out on school and 'learning' that she loves it so much and is so enthusiastic about it.

If her statement is comparing Kathrynn to other kids who may be less interested it's because the system has already beaten the will to learn out of them. If I had more balls I would march in there and tell her just that. For now, for my child whom I love, I am playing nice and letting the teacher think whatever she needs to think to continue to help Kathrynn have a good time. She is a little sad though, that The kids I'm summer-sitting, Aiden and I have been able to go to the free summer movies and she hasn't. I doubt that would be enough to change her mind. She is seeing though that even the little hour and a half she's in school is an hour and a half that she could be doing something else. So I'm happy.

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