
Friday, July 29, 2005

Single Parent? 

Now it's Shawn's turn with the kids. He's only going to have them for two nights, only until 4pm on Sunday. I can totally handle that. I am totally OK with them being without me for a while. We've done it before. No big deal.

But Aiden refused to say goodbye to me. And when I kissed him anyway in his carseat he cried and cried and said he wanted to stay and that he didn't want me to go. I REALLY don't think I can handle this for the next 13 years!! :'(

We had to sit down with Kathrynn tonight and explain things to her as best as we could. We had been talking about it too much around her without involving her. She had a pretty good idea what was going on. So we assured her that as soon as we knew what was going to happen we would let her know and explained our plans that we have made as well as we could.

Right now I'm staying with my sister. This can't be long term. Shawn's staying at the house and we will shuffle kids back and forth depending on who's working. Eventually I'm going to have to go to work full time. And unfortunately the kids will probably both (sob!) be going to school. I'm considering getting my own place. There's a lot of me that I need to find and d Shawn is actually very understanding about it. I will either get my on place or I will move back into the house and we will have separate bedrooms. That will all be decided by the end of the month. There's so much to decide. So much talking that needs to happen. It's going to be a long month.

Comments-[ comments.]
As a child, I had friends whose parents separated for all practical purposes, but continued to share a home, for practical purposes. I guess they were able to work out a truce, somehow.

I wonder sometimes how bad it would need to get before I'd get a job and put my kids in school. I think it would have to get pretty bad.

Maybe you and Shawn could work opposite shifts, so the kids could still "stay at home".
I would totally agree if he were at all commited to homeschooling. Truth is he's pretty against it so the idea of working 'for' it is all pretty wrong in his mind.

But who knows what tomorrow will bring? I'm still not registering either of them until the last possible moment. School starts the 31st. I'm sure they would still accept registration on the 30th.
They'll accept kids and registration at any point. You know that going to school is not about learning. It's primarily childcare, really.

Why does he need to be on board for homeschooling? Aiden isn't even old enough for school, is he? Did he turn 5 and I didn't notice?

I'm sorry that you are having to try to figure all this out.
Actually he did turn 5 on July 9th. So technically he's old enough for school. Although to me he's SO NOT old enough for school the idea is ridiculous!

I talked to my sister today and she even agrees that if Aiden were hers and she were definitely sending him to school she would wait a year. So maybe I can make that work for me somehow.
You could find plenty of people to support you in waiting until he is 6, including school teachers and day care providers!

If nothing else, Shawn needs to understand that starting Aiden too early could be really harmful!

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