
Monday, July 18, 2005


I do most of my photo hosting for my blog on Tinypic.com because it's fast and convenient. They also have a feature where you can look at other random pictures that they host. They are all random and none of that have titles or links to the site they are from so it's sort of like finding someone's envelope of photos on the ground and not knowing anything about who they are, why, how they are important, none of it (well unless there's text on the picture, and some times there is). It's fun.

You see a lot of people standing with friends, stuff people are selling somewhere, kids, dogs, sunsets, even the occasional amateur porn. (though it's technically against the rules and there is a link to report them).

Anyway whenever I host a pic I get caught up for a while looking at other people's pictures. The voyeur in me I guess.

Today I ran across this...

Image hosted by TinyPic.com

I HAD to steal it. I apologize to the person I stole it from. But I have no way of giving them credit. And I had to have it. LOL

Comments-[ comments.]
that is my kid!
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