
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Alma Mater 

Well, this morning I have an 'informational interview' with Fred Meyer. So I may be returning to work there, once again. For some reason I just can't stay away. :) It's a really good place to work. Good benefits, decent pay, and hopefully I can pick up a lot of hours. I actually applied for the Deli position but they said they have a Playland position open and what with my experience in that area and all might I be interested in that instead? It kinda sucks because Playland is, by definition, only part time. But I figure I can keep my position at the gas station and get enough hours to support myself.

I still don't know where things stand exactly with Shawn, we talk a lot but we never really get anywhere, it seems in one conversation we go from getting an immediate divorce to trying to work things out and stay married, plus every other feasible option in between.

Mostly it's me I guess. I'm just not ready to be divorced. I'm not ready to say our marriage is completely unsavable, but at the same time I'm not ready to hand my heart over to him completely again, neither of us are. So for now we're still in separation limbo.

Which by the way is totally sucking for the kids. The whole idea of staying together 'for the kids' is looking more and more logical every moment. Maybe things weren't perfect before and I know they felt that but now everything is in upheaval, and it's definitely wearing on them. *sigh*

But for now I have to go shower.

Comments-[ comments.]
Wow, that is so tough.

Staying together for the kids has both good and bad points. It is cheaper to support one household, than two. It sucks to live with someone you are mad at.

I knew one family who let the kids keep the house and the parents took turns staying there, rather than shuffling the kids from one house to another.
Good luck with the Deli thing. My older sister worked in there and she didn't like it. But stangely I think you have a higher tolerance then she. =D OH yeah, my other sister still works in electronics...I think. lol
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