
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Disjointed Update 


I've been packing and sorting and working and mothering and when I have the time I've been trying to sleep. I'm so exhausted.


Well, this weekend I'm having one hellacious yard sale liquidating a lot of my assets. I would really like to make some cash from this yardsale but just as important I'm trying to get rid of some stuff. It's amazing how much shit a family of four can amass in just a few years! It's slow progress. But it's happening. Shawn says to me over the phone that he wished he could be here because I'm so stressed out I was crying over the phone. But realistically if he were here it wouldn't help much. There's a lot of picking through things one at a time going on and I find when other people try to 'help' they just fluster me.

All in all it's been very liberating to get rid of the crap. There's so much crap I've been holding onto for absolutely no reason. It's nice to be able to let it all go.

After the yard sale I will have next week to pack up the remaining stuff and move it out to... my mom's?? I think. I hope so. LOL Unless something else magically happens between now and then. We're hoping to have a second yardsale next weekend at my moms (same crap, different location) before donating all of the rest to Goodwill.

And then, maybe I will be able to breathe!

Today my mom and I went through all of my sewing crap. For someone who doesn't really sew much I had a LOT of sewing crap. We sorted through it all for the sale. I kept the bag of scraps from my wedding quilt (because it needs repairs), a baby blanket that we made at Aiden's baby shower but never finished!, a tapestry with a quail on it that I have never done anything with but have always meant to, a large piece of fabric I bought before I was married and am still in love with, and my sewing machine. Other than that the rest is out!

I've managed to keep the toys we're keeping down to one large box. I sorted out all the different building sets and things. I figure the odds of selling them are better that way. I'm keeping all the Legos for Aiden and all of the Polly Pockets for Kathrynn. Aside from that there are just a few special things here and there that we're keeping.

I'm getting rid of most of my books. I haven't really tackled the shelves in the dining room yet but so far of my books I've only kept 2 or 3. Shawn's are another story though. I've not been authorized to get rid of ANY of his books. Some are collectors items and worth money but since I wouldn't know which are which I'm only allowed to box them and stick them in storage. Same story with most of the computer shit. Well I haven't touched anything in the computer room but all the computer bits and parts I found in other rooms of the house are fair game as far as I'm concerned.

So far my To Keep pile of clothes is only slightly larger than the Not To Keep pile. I'm going to have to go through the keepers though again when I have more free time because it's still way too much.

So much to do! And not enough time!


Comments-[ comments.]
So you are not going to that god awful evil fucking place?
Are you planning to sell or keep David Albert's book?

BTW, you are quoted in Rue Kream's book. I'll throw some letters at your head and say I read it to you.
No, I am still going to Utah. I just am not sure when. I'm not sure of anything really! Ahhhh!

And I have absolutly no idea where my david albert book is. Not a clue. havent's seen it in a long time and haven't run across it in the move... odd. It amy have been assimilated into my car.
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