
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Devastates Local Nightclub. 

Shawn and I went out last night for one last time before he boarded the bus to Salt Lake this afternoon. We went to the Out&About because we had always talked of going and he'd still never been. It was all ages night! So there were lots of little kids there. I assumed we would see a lot of young people but I swear there was a 10 year old hustling people at pool. I swear!

The drink special was Hurricanes for $5. (LOL) I'd never had a Hurricane before it's apparently rum, rum, and pineapple juice. Somehow it comes out red. Don't ask me how. I decided I needed one. Hurricane, Katrina, you know. So I had adorable bartender John mix me up one. It was very tasty though I question it's pineapple juice content because this thing was STRONG!

Please understand that I hadn't really slept more than 3 hours at a time in about 3 days so I was instantly past tipsy. Shawn and I talked a bit, then went an played pool, twice, he kicked my ass both times. We came back to the lounge for more drinks (can't drink in the pool room on all ages night) I had my second hurricane of the night. It was not mixed by John and was much more pineapple-y. John by the way, says he knows me from somewhere a long time ago. Does this surprise anyone? It shouldn't. But he insists it's not just that I look familiar but that my name is familiar. So apparently my evil twin is also using my name. My, isn't that convenient.

After the second round of drinks we went and danced (can't have drinks on the dance floor on all ages night either). It was loud and crowded. It wasn't like I was dancing with one person it was like dancing with 6, all of them bumping and grinding. It was awesome! We danced until we couldn't anymore. By this time I was D-R-U-N-K! After only 2 drinks. We sat for a while and the girl sitting near me had crutches so I asked her about her leg. She told me the story. And after wards she insisted she knew me from somewhere!!

Something I can't even explain compelled me to have a third drink. Another hurricane, mixed by John, strong as the first. As I ordered the drink this guy next to me struck up a conversation. I'm not sure how someone with that much chew in his lip was able to make words, but somehow, unfortunately, he did. Chewing has got to be the most vile of habits, hands down. Give me a smoker over someone who chews any day!

The third Hurricane did me in. I WAS New Orleans! But the lights on the way home were sure pretty. We ran into Holly on the way out, she was picking up her daughter. She has a dryer for me. We ended up at Denny's where I accidentally spilled my glass of water in Shawn's lap and everyone there laughed at me.

Even ended the evening with a flood. ;)

Comments-[ comments.]
The hilarity of you drinking hurricanes and your name is Katrina had me spraying coffee out my nose.
Sad, I know.
I have never been to Out & About even though I am friends with one of the owners. Sad, but I'm a very lazy friend. I should go sometime.
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