
Thursday, September 22, 2005

School Gripe 

Today Kathrynn and I had the following conversation...

"Mom, someday when I'm grown up can I have my own house and kids?"


"I'm not going to send my kids to school though because it's a little boring and Mrs. Diaz only lets us go to the bathroom if it's an emergency"

"I'm glad"

She's still going to school though. I ask her each day if she's planning to go and each day she apparently is. She's in a special reading class because she's 'behind' which makes me roll my eyes. In order to be in the class (because it's VERY expensive for the school because it's almost one on one) I had to sign a paper saying she wouldn't miss more than two days of school a month or she would be removed from the program. She wanted to go so I signed it.

Each night we have homework. Not SHE has homework WE have homework. LOL And the Math is SO SO wrong! I don't have time to explain it right now, when I have more time I will write an entire post about how much I HATE the ADD math program and why!

Comments-[ comments.]
is it TERC math....terc is evil
oh and did they give her and IEP? I would think to put her in the class she would have to have and IEP....and if she did I can't understand WHY she would have attendance restriction....that is jsut stupid
I couldn't believe how much homework WE had when Lisa went to school for 2 days!

But what I really don't understand is why so many families put up with the intrusions of school. They should all band together and tell the schools: No More Homework!
I can't believe they're giving first graders homework. They NEED more time to PLAY. Give me a break!
Exactly! And it's not just that there's homework it's that it's over an hour of homework a night. In FIRST grade!
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