
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Computer Age Five 

In my earlier mentioned outing to Value Village I picked up a board game for the kids. It's called Die Mause Bande (The Mouse Gang). It's one of those high quality German games with the cute wooden pieces. It was in perfect condition and all the pieces were there.

I always feel virtuous playing board games with the kids as opposed to electronic games. Silly I know, but true.

I brought it home and immediately both kids wanted to play. The instructions were a little tricky but we figured it out. The game is for 2-4 players so there are 4 mice characters. So I put the 4th piece back in the box. Aiden took it back out and placed it on the starting space. I explained to him that we only needed three since there were only three of us.

He says...

"What about Computer? This one is Computer."

I guess you know it's a whole new millennium when you not only play multiplayer games on the computer against the Computer but then you have to bring the imaginary opponent into a board game too!

Comments-[ comments.]
I love your kids. They crack me up!
What a riot! Aiden is definitley a kid of the new millenium!
Too funny! So who won?
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