
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Would like some OCD with that? 

I always say that Kathrynn is very much Shawn's child. She has his mind in a lot of ways and because of that much of the time she completely mystifies me. Then the following conversation happens...

Kathrynn: Mmmm This pizza is good! What day is it?
Me: Thursday.
Kathrynn: So, Thursday should be pizza night and we should have this pizza EVERY Thursday.

This is the exact conversation I have in my head regularly. Of course at 28 I have learned that along with my deep inner desire for everything to be predictable and ordered comes the complete inability to cope when things go awry resulting in my refusal to ever attempt to make any sort of concrete plans, deciding instead to live in complete chaos.

Someday she too will learn.

Comments-[ comments.]
My kids have suggested a weekly pizza night too. Maybe we are related?
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