
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cosmic Cogery 

I had an interesting experience at work the other day. This person came in. Her name is Lacey. She's a regular at BK but I only know her name is Lacy because we had screwed up her order the day before and she had called and they had taken note of her name and our screw up so we could remedy the situation.

As I was serving her she commented that she was never going to leave (this because she was ordering fries after she had already finished her salad). I told her that was fine that we would make up a little room for her in the back. Then commented on how I should stay there as well because sometimes it feels like I never leave. She said she could relate that she works 11 or 12 hour shifts and feels like sometimes she only goes home to sleep.

I asked her where she worked and it turns out she works for Amazon.com. We talked a bit about how I had interviewed with them and things seemed good but then I had changed my number and lost the email address they had given me to keep my contact info current.

She tells me they have a referral list in the breakroom where employees can write down the names of friends who might also want to work there. She offered to put me on the list. So I gave her my name and email address. :)

It may go nowhere. But I felt I should document it just in case this is my big breakthrough. I would sure love to make more than minimum wage.

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