
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wasted On the Young 

I breezed through my first History test. It's online and we had a week to take it so I took it the moment it was available. Today in class there were young girls sitting next to me discussing when they might take it and how much studying they still needed to do for it. I told them it was pretty easy. Not only is it easy but you have the chance to take the test again and it will average your grade. One said "yeah but you're, like, a history major aren't you? It might not really be that easy." LOL

I'm no history major. That's for sure.

Incidentally, today I was almost late to class which meant that my usual seat at the very front of the class was already occupied by the lovely curly haired dark eyed girl I met the first day... anyway, so I had to sit WAY in the back. I make it a point to never sit WAY in the back. I don't like it back there. Very distracting. I missed the front. Not only could I not see very well, but I didn't feel as connected to the lecture as I normally do.

I sit in the back in Algebra as well. That's not my fault. Coming into the class 7 days late and the fact that I'm always just barely on time for that class make sitting in the back unavoidable. Did I mention the distance I go for this class?? My history class is in the B building. And Dr.Chisholm ALWAYS lectures up to the end of class, often a minute or 2 over. My old math class was in the S building which was just close enough that I could stop and pee on the way and just barely make it on time. My Algebra class is in the W building! I know this means nothing to you if you don't know CBC but imagine the distance from B to W and you will get the idea. The W building is SO FAR away I didn't even know it existed!! And I have, best case scenario, 10 minutes to get there. Who needs fitness lab??

I asked good questions in Algebra today. My adorable teacher said "Excellent question!" So even if I'm not the youngest or the prettiest and I have to sit in the back, I have ways of being noticed. : )

Comments-[ comments.]
hey, I know Dr. Chisolm!

And I suck at history.
I liked history in HS, hated it in college, and LOVE it now. Go figure.

I love the comment/compliment "excellent question". I don't know why. Kudos to you for getting noticed!
Maybe that's why he seems familiar... Hmm.
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