
Monday, February 19, 2007

Radcon... oh, lovely Radcon. 

So another year, another Radcon. I had a fantastic con. I will highlight some details here but most of it I won't. For decency's sake.

Just the facts. I stayed with my friend Ron. He's way too nice and this year he got us a room in the party wing with two big cushy beds. As my contribution to the con this year I sacrificed my con-virgin roommate, Travis.

I ran into lots of people I met last year and met many new people.

Someone had posted a sign saying "The Three Rules of Radcon. 3 hours of sleep, 2 meals, 1 shower."

Happily I got a little more than each of those. I would say I got 8 hours of sleep (4 each night), Three showers and enough meals that I never felt very hungry.

I don't think this year was as well organized as the last two. I've been told I am wrong about that, that the other years were as chaotic, but this year I noticed.

And I met R2D2. Ok, maybe a non-working replica and his 'handler' but still...

So now for the shout-outs (though I loath the term!).

Ron, for the room and the pestering. Without you I might not have had the will to go at all. And thanks for being prepared. You are a true boy scout.

Keith, a con just wouldn't be a con without Keith. Even with all of the "none-of-that's".

Travis, for sacrificing himself as a con-virgin and letting me embarrass myself in front of all of the young people.

Irish, we'll always have the watermelon.

Dilly, you wild crazy Wombat of a boy.

Charlie, thanks for being Dilly's roommate and making sure I didn't steal his wallet.

Rachel, Will, Jessie, Brandon, Don and the entire crew of the Stealth Rabbit, thanks for all the fish.

Mandy, thank you for being adorable, and calling me pretty and saving me from your dad.

Mandy's Dad, thanks for saying I had a nice rack, over and over and over.

All the 'Scottish' boys from that room, thank you for not knowing me but letting me stay safely in your room and not letting me wander the halls in my drunken stupor.

Marrissa, You have great hair, a lovely boyfriend and your own room, what more could you want?

Ian, you have Marrissa!! And fangs. And apparently $1000 week.

Kitty Mike, Shame on you!! And Squeeee! :P

Llama guy, your name might have been Matt, or Keith, or Brian. Either way you gave it your all and came out on top! You're cool like that.

Bryon, with an 'O'. You should call me! You should. You know you should

Mike, I think hotel rooms should have more than one bathroom.

Jen, I know I will never see you again but we will always have that little space just outside of the hospitality room. And you getting painted. And Hazel.

Paul, you lightweight. You slept in my bed!!

Liz, Kilt Check!

The Bawls guy, thanks for letting me play with your bawls.

Other's worth mentioning: Tycho, Rachael's mom, sister, brother, "John", The taiko drummers!!, the R2D2 guy, the panel thief, my 14 year old girlfriend, heather!!, and Katie.

And now I will retire to my other blog. For a more in depth analysis of the events.

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