
Thursday, September 20, 2007


I'm starting to feel old. The grey hairs aren't helping. Being old isn't all bad. In some ways it's actually pretty cool. For one thing I get to feel smug and superior to a lot of the teenagers I go to school with. So while they are still there as a constant reminder of just how old I am, they also furnish me with the chance to look down on someone.

But here's what has me feeling old now. I'm in Chemistry. The pre-rec for this class is that you have either taken Chem 101 (which I haven't) or had high school chem with a grade of 2.0 or better. I must have because no one questioned my entering this class. I don't remember what grade I got in high school chemistry. I only vaguely recall taking chemistry in high school at all. The fact is I was 15 when I took chemistry. I'm 30 now. I don't even need my current calculus class to realize that this means I took chemistry HALF A LIFETIME ago!! Sigh. See how old this makes me feel?

The truth is that this class is way over my head. I should really go back and take chem 101 before I take this class. But there isn't time. This is certainly a consequence of being old. So I will just work my ass off and make it work somehow.

I'm also in Technical Writing. Which is English 205. I took English 101 a million years ago too. The teacher is working under the assumption that we have all taken English 101 and therefore we are familiar with all of the online research options which you learn in 101. Needless to say I'm not. When I took English 101 we had the Internet but it wasn't yet considered a valuable research resource at least not valuable enough for them to teach us how to use it. So I'm going to be playing a lot of catch up this quarter. At least I feel relatively up to date in my Calculus class. And I got my adorable teacher back whom I love. never mind that he's YOUNGER than me... Sigh.

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