Friday, February 24, 2006
Radcon Update
Why can't every day be Radcon? LOL It's always so hard to leave when the weekend is over. I know that's pathetic. But Sunday at noon when everything is packed I stare at that hotel window and imagine if only this were my real life. LOL
Radcon was good. I made a few new friends had some unexpected adventures and didn't get enough sleep. I didn't get sick this year. I guess the trick is to show up sick. LOL I was near death Friday when I got there. I ached EVERYWHERE and had a killer headache fever, chills the works. I went to bed at 1am!
Saturday I ventured out to Walgreens for Dayquil which made an enormous difference. Although I don't think you're supposed to mix it with alcohol I didn't notice any ill effects. I felt so much better on Dayquil! I didn't sleep at all that night.
For decency's sake I can't post 90% of the highlights from my weekend. I ran into some people I met last year though as well as a few new friends. I drank and danced and drank and sat in the hall and drank and wandered and drank and made a fool of myself. And I drank. And it was good.
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Radcon was good. I made a few new friends had some unexpected adventures and didn't get enough sleep. I didn't get sick this year. I guess the trick is to show up sick. LOL I was near death Friday when I got there. I ached EVERYWHERE and had a killer headache fever, chills the works. I went to bed at 1am!
Saturday I ventured out to Walgreens for Dayquil which made an enormous difference. Although I don't think you're supposed to mix it with alcohol I didn't notice any ill effects. I felt so much better on Dayquil! I didn't sleep at all that night.
For decency's sake I can't post 90% of the highlights from my weekend. I ran into some people I met last year though as well as a few new friends. I drank and danced and drank and sat in the hall and drank and wandered and drank and made a fool of myself. And I drank. And it was good.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Mini-Update: Amazon
Today I had my skills assessment for It started out as a basic personality type test, to weed out the thieves and psychopaths, then the rest of it was stuff like grammar, proofreading, following instructions, reading a paragraph and answering questions. Basically the English part of an SAT.
Not only was I the first of the group of about 15-20 people to get done. But I PASSED! Which is good because it would have been horribly embarrassing if I were the first one done and then didn't pass! LOL
So tomorrow I have an interview at 1:30. :)
My niece also has an interview there tomorrow. It would be cool if we both got jobs (there are 25 positions) but kind of awkward if one of us did and the other didn't. So wish us both luck!!
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Not only was I the first of the group of about 15-20 people to get done. But I PASSED! Which is good because it would have been horribly embarrassing if I were the first one done and then didn't pass! LOL
So tomorrow I have an interview at 1:30. :)
My niece also has an interview there tomorrow. It would be cool if we both got jobs (there are 25 positions) but kind of awkward if one of us did and the other didn't. So wish us both luck!!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
A million years ago it seems I applied for a job at the call center in Kennewick. I had written the idea of getting the job off completely because it had been too long. Surely they have hired their fill of new workers and the application says not to bother applying if you've applied within six months.
Then yesterday a lady from Worksource called to see if I was still interested in that job. YES! So Monday I have to go down for a skills assessment test. And if I pass that I will get an interview Tuesday or Friday! I'm so excited! I had just decided that after Radcon (the weekend of the 17th) I would start looking for a job. Now, I may not have to! :)
I'm not super excited about having to get a job but if I have to get one the Amazon job is definitely worth having.
So wish me luck and think happy thoughts for me this week! :)
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Then yesterday a lady from Worksource called to see if I was still interested in that job. YES! So Monday I have to go down for a skills assessment test. And if I pass that I will get an interview Tuesday or Friday! I'm so excited! I had just decided that after Radcon (the weekend of the 17th) I would start looking for a job. Now, I may not have to! :)
I'm not super excited about having to get a job but if I have to get one the Amazon job is definitely worth having.
So wish me luck and think happy thoughts for me this week! :)
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Change Can Be Good
This week I got a haircut. I was planning to grow it long but in order to do that I have to be able to accept the 'ugly phases' it must go through to get there. I don't usually have a problem with that but I just don't feel like I can be ugly right now. So I had my sister cut my hair. It's not to radical. And I don't have much cash right now to change the color but I like it and it's MUCH MUCH better than it was.
I also pierced my nose. I've wanted to for a long time. I had it pierced once before, back in my college days and I LOVED it. I've threatened to do it for the last 8 years. So this morning I did. I used the gold piercing stud that pierced Kathrynn's ears as an infant. It has a sharp point but is really meant to be used in a piercing gun. So it took me about 30 minutes to push it all the way through. All of the numbing had worn off by then. LOL I just wanted it done. And now it is. Now I look like I have a big gold zit. LOL Eventually when it heals I will put in a little silver hoop but I read that it should be allowed to heal with a stud in it. It looks pretty cool anyway.
Not a lot else going on.
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I also pierced my nose. I've wanted to for a long time. I had it pierced once before, back in my college days and I LOVED it. I've threatened to do it for the last 8 years. So this morning I did. I used the gold piercing stud that pierced Kathrynn's ears as an infant. It has a sharp point but is really meant to be used in a piercing gun. So it took me about 30 minutes to push it all the way through. All of the numbing had worn off by then. LOL I just wanted it done. And now it is. Now I look like I have a big gold zit. LOL Eventually when it heals I will put in a little silver hoop but I read that it should be allowed to heal with a stud in it. It looks pretty cool anyway.
Not a lot else going on.
Chelee tempted us all with the col thing on her blog. So I had to go find out where it came from. It's called Snap Shirts. So here's mine...

I love that my name is dead center.
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I love that my name is dead center.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Snip Snip Ha Ha
I was going to comment to Mary Ellen's Comment below but decided it would take up too much room. And besides this gives me an outlet.
Mary Ellen said...
"Would it be rude of me to suggest that Shawn have a little snip-snip? He has enough kids to take care of already."
Tee hee. No, I don't think it would be rude. Useless possibly but not rude. In Shawn's defense he's not exactly careless about where he, uh, makes use of his functions. He was reasonable sure he would be around to raise his kids each time he helped make one. But sometimes life changes things.
Now is probably the appropriate time to mention that Shawn is now BACK in a relationship with his ex. Apparently my jealous cavewife instincts were much more in tune than I had hoped. Aside from my own personal reaction I do think the relationship has "Supremly Bad Idea" written all over it for so many reasons. But who am I to judge. We all make dumb choices. She has said she got her tubes tied after her last (5th) baby. I did recommend that he demand to see her medical records for proof before proceeding. Of course that didn't happen. I can only hope and pray he doesn't have another baby with her.
Every day I feel more and more like I need to get this divorce over ASAP. I'm not worried really about Shawn fighting me over anything in a divorce but I worry that Amy (or some other woman who is smarter than Shawn and may not have my kid's best interest at heart) might muck things up. Right now he seems willing to give me just about anything I want. I feel I should jump on that now. But at the same time I hate thinking about it that way. I don't want this to be messy. I would so rather he be a part of the kids life than just a child support check. But he's already showing signs of losing interest.
One reason I stayed with him so much longer than I should have is because while he may not be the best father to have around he's 100 times worse as an absent father. I've personally witnessed how little contact he has initiated with his other daughter. I didn't want that for my kids. But for the last 2 days he was at Amy's and didn't bother to call and say good night to the kids. Maybe it's unreasonable to expect him to call and say goodnight to the kids everyday for the rest of his life but right now I think they need it. And it totally pissed me off that he was so caught up in that life that he didn't make the effort. He has a tendency to only see what's in front of him. I guess my job is to make sure my kids are in front of him as much as possible.
Anyway I don't really want to vent here for the whole world to see. So I will stop now. He will likely never get a 'snip snip' even if he should. If he ever decides to I would be happy to volunteer to perform it personally. :)
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Mary Ellen said...
"Would it be rude of me to suggest that Shawn have a little snip-snip? He has enough kids to take care of already."
Tee hee. No, I don't think it would be rude. Useless possibly but not rude. In Shawn's defense he's not exactly careless about where he, uh, makes use of his functions. He was reasonable sure he would be around to raise his kids each time he helped make one. But sometimes life changes things.
Now is probably the appropriate time to mention that Shawn is now BACK in a relationship with his ex. Apparently my jealous cavewife instincts were much more in tune than I had hoped. Aside from my own personal reaction I do think the relationship has "Supremly Bad Idea" written all over it for so many reasons. But who am I to judge. We all make dumb choices. She has said she got her tubes tied after her last (5th) baby. I did recommend that he demand to see her medical records for proof before proceeding. Of course that didn't happen. I can only hope and pray he doesn't have another baby with her.
Every day I feel more and more like I need to get this divorce over ASAP. I'm not worried really about Shawn fighting me over anything in a divorce but I worry that Amy (or some other woman who is smarter than Shawn and may not have my kid's best interest at heart) might muck things up. Right now he seems willing to give me just about anything I want. I feel I should jump on that now. But at the same time I hate thinking about it that way. I don't want this to be messy. I would so rather he be a part of the kids life than just a child support check. But he's already showing signs of losing interest.
One reason I stayed with him so much longer than I should have is because while he may not be the best father to have around he's 100 times worse as an absent father. I've personally witnessed how little contact he has initiated with his other daughter. I didn't want that for my kids. But for the last 2 days he was at Amy's and didn't bother to call and say good night to the kids. Maybe it's unreasonable to expect him to call and say goodnight to the kids everyday for the rest of his life but right now I think they need it. And it totally pissed me off that he was so caught up in that life that he didn't make the effort. He has a tendency to only see what's in front of him. I guess my job is to make sure my kids are in front of him as much as possible.
Anyway I don't really want to vent here for the whole world to see. So I will stop now. He will likely never get a 'snip snip' even if he should. If he ever decides to I would be happy to volunteer to perform it personally. :)
Friday, February 03, 2006
'Tis the Season
Yardsale season that is. Who knew it would start in February this year? Regardless, I scored a really sturdy all wood dresser with matching night stands and it only cost (my mom) $25!!! She said they also had a matching waterbed frame with headboard. I don't need the frame but I really want a headboard! So tomorrow I will go and see if I can get that as well. YEAH!!
I told my parents today about the divorce. They were supportive. I dreaded telling them becasue I had a feeling they would be 'supportive' by bashing Shawn. They didn't. That made me happy. I also told Kathrynn. She was upset but it's not all consuming so that's good. I didn't want to tell her, I didn't know how to or what her exact reaction would be. It's still clearly going to take a lot of reassurance.
Shawn was here earlier this week and we talked a LOT! It was pretty much good but I think we've gotten past the point where talking is productive. I think mostly now it's just rehashing things we've already said.
Kathrynn had her first day of Brownies yesterday. Cookie Sales start Monday!! YEAH!
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I told my parents today about the divorce. They were supportive. I dreaded telling them becasue I had a feeling they would be 'supportive' by bashing Shawn. They didn't. That made me happy. I also told Kathrynn. She was upset but it's not all consuming so that's good. I didn't want to tell her, I didn't know how to or what her exact reaction would be. It's still clearly going to take a lot of reassurance.
Shawn was here earlier this week and we talked a LOT! It was pretty much good but I think we've gotten past the point where talking is productive. I think mostly now it's just rehashing things we've already said.
Kathrynn had her first day of Brownies yesterday. Cookie Sales start Monday!! YEAH!